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Authentic Native American Style Area Rug

Motifs probably derived from oriental rugs include repeated hook shapes (often called “latch hooks”), the “waterbug” shaped like an “X” with a bar through the middle, the “airplane” or T-shape with rounded ends and, in a small number of weavings, rosettes. An even more lasting and fundamental influence was the concept of a large central motif in one, two or three parts that covers almost all of the ground between the borders. Even the concept of the border itself, usually in two or three layers with at least one in a geometric pattern, is probably traceable to oriental carpet design. Though introduced in the regional around Crystal, these motifs and ideas quickly spread to other areas of the Reservation and are found on many rugs woven throughout the past century.

Authentic Native American Style Area Rug

So how much do Navajo Rugs Cost? This Navajo Rug cost and pricing guide is designed to help you develop an initial budget and understanding of Navajo Rugs. There are several things to consider when purchasing quality Navajo Rugs.

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This is a banded carpet. It would be called either an Eyedazzler or a Chinle depending on who is dazzled. Thank you for your wonderful website. It is very helpful. Our family lived around Church Rock in the late 70s. My parents bought a few rugs near "Legacy Park" as well as a few rugs from a Navajo family that weaved and lived in a hut. I can remember the mutton stew as well as the fry bread. I can't recall their names. Your help would be greatly appreciated if you could identify the type and make of the rugs.

authentic native american rugs weaving techniques

Zapotec and other Mexican knock-offs often have wide end borders and end cords that are added after the rug is woven. The warp ends will be buried along side the adjacent cut warp ends as described previously. It should be noted that many knock-offs, regardless of origin, use designs taken directly from photos in books. The Zapotec are the #1 makers of counterfeit Navajo rugs. In Teotitlan de Valle (Zapotec rugs) much of their entire industry is devoted to making fakes and knock-offs. They make the hightest number and most convincing fakes.

authentic native american rugs weaving techniques
vintage style native american rugs

vintage style native american rugs

Chinle Revival rugs typically feature bands of repeating geometric motifs alternated with plain or striped bands of contrasting colors. Common colors for Chinle rugs include yellow, gold, brown, tan, terra cotta, soft pink and other earth tones, as well as natural wool colors ranging from white to black. About the time of World War II, Crystal-area weavers developed their own banded revival rugs bearing no resemblance to Moore’s early designs. Generally known as Modern Crystal rugs, these borderless patterns often combine vegetal and aniline colors in shades of brown, yellow, and terra cotta with natural greys and whites.

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These blankets were highly prized trade items for tribes that didn't have their own weaving traditions. Even back then, Navajo blankets weren't affordable, so it was difficult for tribe members to afford one. Plains cultures valued Navajo blankets, especially for their warmth and comfort. One way to identify a man riding on horseback wearing one these weavings is by the design of his blanket, before his features become visible. The Navajo tradition of weaving blankets was that they were worn by Navajo for approximately 50 years. The advent of mechanical weaving technologies and the availability of affordable blankets, such as those manufactured by Pendleton Woolen Mills, marked the end to the era.

authentic native american rugs weaving techniques
gray native american rugs

They are used here because they were inspired by photographs of such rugs. The inherit nature of Native Americans' design meant that borders could not be used. They believed that their creations were connected to their spirituality and something that should not be shared. The boundaries acted as a barrier and inhibited the spirituality in the design. We had to add another feature, the Spider Woman's Hole. The Spider Woman's Hole is a small slit located in the middle of the blanket's design area. It's named after the woman, who legend has said taught the Navajo how weave. The hole serves as a spirit line to allow the design energy that went into it back into the real world. Many people love to decorate their homes with rugs in different styles and types. They might have heard of the Navajo rugs. They are authentic and reflect the exceptional craftsmanship of the ancient rug weaver.

gray native american rugs